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Be a Board Member!

Community Focus Federal Credit Union is looking for Board Members and Supervisory Committee Members.

Eligibility is easy

Candidates must meet the minimum age requirement of 18 years as of the election date and be a member in good standing, defined as follows:

  • Be a member of Community Focus FCU or willing to become a member
  • Maintain a $5 minimum balance in savings
  • Have no delinquent loans

Time committment will not interfere with your busy schedule

Board Members: Candidates should be prepared to attend monthly board meetings if elected. Board meetings are generally held on the third Wednesday of the month at 5 p.m. They last approximately 1 hour and dinner is provided. 

Supervisory Committee Members: Candidates should be prepared to attend quarterly Supervisory Committee meetings. 

Opportunity to contribute

Board Members represent thousands of Community Focus FCU members to ensure the Credit Union is providing the products and services to meet our members' expectations and needs. Board Members are volunteers who develop long-range strategic plans, review policies and procedures and monitor the operational and financial performance of the Credit Union. 

Supervisory Committee Members are volunteers who safeguard member assets by ensuring a Credit Union is operating properly. This committee has a broad oversight authority to hold the Credit Union's Board of Directors and management accountable for fulfilling their responsibilities in the intererest of Credit Union's members. They ensure the Credit Union is operating according to sound business, ethical, and regulatory standards. 

Simple process

Let us know you are interested! Please submit a brief resume to Andrew Gregoire, President/CEO via email at agregoire@communityfocusfcu.org or mail to Community Focus Federal Credit Union, Attn: Andrew Gregoire President/CEO, 18925 Telegraph Road, Brownstown, MI 48174.


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